Case Study:
Improving effectiveness with television ad testing
The case:
A large national bank adds an emotional response component to its advertising KPIs to improve the overall evaluative process.
The challenge:
As one of the largest banks in the US, the brand wanted to do something different, appeal to consumer’s emotional side. To do this, the bank needed to understand how consumers currently connected with the brand emotionally and compare this emotional profile to the banking industry/ category to set strategy for moving forward.
Then to understand the brand’s success at implementing this new emotional strategy, they wanted to test three potential television commercials using The Rational Heart’s emotional assessment.
The emotional
After the brand’s and category’s emotional positioning was understood and strategy set against it, The Rational Heart analysis was included as a component of the bank’s regular copy-testing research in a survey of 450 respondents, including both customers and prospects of the bank.
Results indicated substantial gender differences in feelings of Embarrassment, Despair, Despisal and Envy for the ads, especially for [Ad#3]. Males reacted to the ads in a polarized fashion, depending on their affinity for the co-branded sponsor of the associated product.
The resulting strategic actions:
The bank used the results from this project to modify their placement of the ads based on viewership (e.g. predominantly males vs. female viewers) and the objectives of the emotional campaign, allowing for the right ads to reach the right audience for the right outcomes.
The bank also learned how their brand stacks up to the industry/ category and is currently using this information to plan future marketing messages.
Case Studies
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New Product Development
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Integrating Emotional Research
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